Open Grant Rounds

Community Foundation Ireland runs a series of Open Grant rounds throughout the year. As each round opens we will release more information on eligibility and criteria. How it works:

You see an Open Grant round which fits with the aim of your project or the people you are supporting.

You submit a proposal for funding. The criteria for assessment are published as part of this.

You will receive notification on whether your application for funding was successful.

Grants from Donors

Individuals, families, charities, and corporates who want to support our communities work with Community Foundation Ireland to decide on organisations to support.

Donors set up an account with us, called a Donor-Advised Fund, and then select organisations that align with their charitable goals for support.

Organisations may be contacted by Community Foundation Ireland if a donor has selected them for a grant award or is interested in considering a grant proposal from them.

Impact Grants

In specific cases, Community Foundation Ireland may invite an organisation to submit a grant proposal, or select an organisation for a grant award, where the grantee’s activities further the Foundation’s strategy and charitable purpose.

Eligibility Checklist

In order to be eligible for any type of grant from Community Foundation Ireland, applicants must provide at minimum:

Governing Document

A governing document (a Constitution or Memorandum & Articles of Association)

Bank Details

A bank statement where the account matches the name of the applicant. We cannot fund individuals; bank statements must be in the name of the organisation.


Additional documents may be necessary for larger grants.

Open Grants