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2023 Annual Report

In 2023 there was over a 1000 grants issued totalling €20.2 Million which was impactful, strategic and often with a longer-term focus. During the year we received donations of €22.7m, including six sizable donations totalling €3.5m to our endowment fund. See below our annual report for 2023. 


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2022 Annual Report

Our area’s of impact were made possible by record grant-making of €27.2 Million, a significant increase on the €18.2M the previous year. The Community Foundation received €25.8M in donations with fourteen new donor advised funds.


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2022 List of Grantees (appendix to Annual Report)

Financial Reports

2021 Annual Report

The Covid-19 Pandemic and its impact were ever-present during 2021 and for a second year Community Foundation Ireland, its donors and charitable partners responded.

The huge response not just to the virus but also other challenges made it a record-breaking year with grant-making exceeding €18.7 million.

Download your copy of the report below.

Or click for the 2021 accompanying financial statement.

Or click for the 2020 accompanying financial statement.

Or click for the 2019 accompanying financial statement.

Or click for the 2018 accompanying financial statement.


Financial Reports

2020 Annual Report

The ability of Community Foundation Ireland to adapt and rapidly respond was the hallmark of a year when our communities were challenged like never before. The foundation used its strong connectivity to its 5,000 partner organisations to identify and respond to emerging issues, during a global pandemic.


Financial Reports

2020 List of Grantees (appendix to Annual Report)

Community Foundation Ireland publishes the full list of grantees during a year of unprecedented challenge and grant-making.


Financial Reports

Annual Report 2019

In November 2019, Community Foundation Ireland reached the milestone of €50m awarded in grants since we first began in 2000. Across the year more than €8m went to support charities in Ireland and abroad.
